4 plant additives with new active ingredients
Plant additives and supplements play an important role in making of beautiful aquascapes. ADA has developed and improved its plant additive series with new active ingredients. 4 plant additives are designed to control several specific problematic conditions commonly seen in planted aquariums; treating chlorosis of stem plants, encouraging the growth of damaged plants, stimulating the growth of beneficial filtration bacteria, or protecting plants from diseases and inhibiting the growth of blue-green algae.
<ECA PLUS>50ml
The advance formula of ECA Plus contains magnesium, that is essential in the synthesis of photosynthetic pigments. It improves red color of aquatic plants. ECA PLUS is effective in preventing and treating chlorosis in new growth.
The advanced formula of Green Gain Plus contains boron, which encourages the growth of new buds. It boosts plant resistance to disease by easing stress from pruning or environmental degradation, and enhances the growth of new young buds.
Green Bacter Plus adds minerals that help increase beneficial bacteria. Add it to aquariums during the initial setup period when beneficial bacteria start to grow, or when the biofiltration performance declines and water quality degrades. It will promote the growth of beneficial bacteria and increase their efficiency.
The advanced formula of Phyton Git Plus contains active ingredients that enhances antiseptic and antibacterial effects, and prevents plants from diseases. It helps to prevent aquatic fern disease and to inhibit the growth of blue-green algae.