Micranthemum 'Monte Carlo' originates from Argentina, South America. Commonly used as a foreground plant in an Iwagumi/Amano or Natural Aquarium; it has compact, round and fresh light green leaves on creeping stalks and creates a fast-growing carpet in the front of the aquarium. The plant can grow in light shadow, but requires good light conditions, as well as CO2 additive, in order to develop optimally and become really compact. As with any aquarium plant, nutrient rich water is required for optimum and healthy growth.
Micranthemum 'Monte Carlo' is a great alternative to HC Cuba and it is much easier to grow than HC. The leaves are round, and probably no more than 4mm in diameter. So Monte Carol is similar to the world-famous aquatic plant HC, just a bit bigger.
It is so easy to care and grow Micranthemum Monte Carlo! People want aquarium plants that look pretty and grow easily. You can grow it in high light, low light, CO2 tank, non-CO2 tank. Literally take your pick. Sure you’ll get much better results if you place it in a high tech CO2 tank (what plant wouldn’t), but my point is how adaptable it genuinely is.
How to Plant:
Comes in a 5cm pot. Planting instructions are similar to Hemianthus Callitrichoides. Once you’ve removed this aquarium plant out of its pot, all you need to do is trim the rockwool off so you have about 10mm left. Then you can cut the plant into 6/8 pieces (depending on pot size) and plant straight into the substrate. The rock wool will help to anchor the plant and keep it where you want it to.
How do you Trim it?
Very easily and this is why Micranthemum Monte Carlo care is so easy – simply use a pair of curved scissors and trim the top part off regularly. If you fail to maintain this plant, it will result in a build up of plant which can force the bottom half to die off. This would then lift the plant off your substrate. So trim regularly and heavily. But one tip is once you have planted for the first time, avoid trimming until you have let it settle in for at least 2 weeks. Here's a useful video of someone trimming it. It’s also worth noting the excellent use of a circulation pump/wave maker which is positioned directly over the Micranthemum monte carlo. This is a perfect example of why carpeting plants benefit from this – any nutrients are pushed right on top of the plant, and this is another reason why its flourishing in this environment. You can buy our Wave Makers here
How many pots do I need?
As with most foreground plants, aim for one pot per 15cm2. Use this calculation. So for example in a tank which is 60x30cm you would need 8 pots (1800/225).
Plant Profile:
An example of this plant used as a foreground plant in lush Nature Aquarium Aquascape: